Andy's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Andy's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 4/26/24
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Andy.I hope time heals your pain.I also hope you cherish the lovely memories you have of Andy.
From: Linda Dashiff
On: 2/18/19
Pat, I just came across your baby's resident page. My heart breaks for you. We lost our precious beagle Rumba back in 2016 and I definitely can relate to your pain. We got a new dog Beau a few years ago, and we did experience the guilt; he has a totally different personality. While we miss Rumba desperately, Beau has filled a void and we have love and laughter back in our lives. Your baby is no longer in pain and is running and playing at the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe my Rumba found him and they are best buddies now. Take care of yourself, Bless and be peaceful...
From: Jane
On: 10/26/18
Pat, I wanted to check on you. I see that you are still struggling. I get it. Some pets cannot be replaced in our hearts. But I want to tell you something that may give you hope. We have not been looking for a kitten, as I felt it would be disrespectful to our Molly. But almost three weeks ago, we were attending a BBQ at an apartment complex, and a sweet little kitten found us. She had not been claimed by anyone at the complex after a note had gone around. She never left us, and I felt it was a sign that we were meant to take her home. So I asked my husband, knowing he really wasn't ready, if we could take her. She will never replace Molly. But she has brought a light into a dark place, and fills our hearts with love. I hope that some day, Andy will let you know that it's okay to love another dog who needs the kind of love you can give. I promise, it will not diminish what Andy gave you, but be a different kind of relationship that will you some happiness when you're ready. Jane
From: Jane
On: 10/6/18
Dear Pat, I send you a condolence recently, and I have been thinking about you so I thought I would check up on you. I see how badly you are hurting. I wish I had the magic words to help you feel better. I will keep you in prayer. Losing someone who never judged you is very hard, I know. Please know that I am thinking of you and hoping that things get better for you. Jane
From: Jane
On: 9/30/18
Pat, I am trying to leave flowers agin, hope it works. Jane
From: Jane Petrilli
On: 9/30/18
Pat, I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Andy. I can feel the pain in your words to your baby. We recently lost our sweet cat, Molly, on Sept 10th and we are missing her more than I thought possible, worse than any human loss we have experienced. So I feel your pain. Please know that you gave your baby a wonderful life, and he gave you so much love. That will never change. I am leaving Andy some flowers. He will never be forgotten. Jane
From: Carol
On: 9/23/18
Pat, I am sorry for the loss of your sweet angel Andy. He sounds so much like my Murphy that transitioned on 2/7/16. The car rides were his favorite yet he was happiest at home. I hope Andy meets up with my Murphy so they can run and play together in the warm sunshine.❤
From: Dianna B. Morris
On: 9/19/18
Dear Pat, I, too, being a dog owner/lover all my life, know how deep that sadness goes and my heart is saddened with yours in the loss of your Andy. I truly believe they have spirits and will always be with us in that way. As time heals these heart wounds, you will see Andy more and more in the little things happening around us daily. I do hope with time, your sad thoughts will become joyful memories. Blessings.
From: Minks Mom
On: 9/17/18
Dear Pat, I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome, precious, and loved Andy. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Regina - Bailey's Mom
On: 9/17/18
I am so sorry for your loss of Andy. My heart goes out to you as I know you are struggling so with the loss of your precious baby. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. I know you had a special relationship with Andy that will always be a part of you. I pray that my sweet little girl, Bailey, found Andy and they have become friends. May the precious love you shared with Andy continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. Peace and blessings to you. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th, 2013 and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: Milo, Max, Moses, Pumpkin
On: 9/17/18
We are so sorry for your loss. May your heart and mind remember the wonderful times you had together and not dwell on that which causes pain. The memory of love has tremendous healing power. Love, The Dog Pack
From: Wendy
On: 9/16/18
Hi Andy, I know it's day 5 for you sweet boy and I hope you found my Bee to comfort you and be your new friend. I am thinking strong thoughts that you can keep sending you mommy signs. Let her keep hearing odd sounds in the car from the back seat. She needs this now so try real hard sweetie. I will be lighting lots of candles tonight and I hope you and Bee see the light that I shine for you. Tight hugs sweet one.
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 9/16/18
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Kari
On: 9/15/18
Very sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and love your your way.
From: Susan Harrill
On: 9/15/18
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Andy. Please find comfort in knowing that Andy is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13,Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, and Shelby 6/12/18. I am sure that Andy and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Lisa Walker-Thomas
On: 9/15/18
Dear Pat, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful baby Andy, what a cutie. I know words cant ease the pain you feel but please know you are not alone my thoughts and prayers are with you, always Lisa
From: Wendy
On: 9/15/18
Pat, I am sorry to know about your sweet little Andy. What a beautiful picture you posted on his memorial. He looks just like a little angel sleeping. I understand what a difficult time this is. So many adjustments, changes and "first times without". Thinking of you and sending you thoughts of strength in the days that follow. Sweet baby Andy will always be loved, so very much missed and never forgotten.
From: Cher
On: 9/15/18
I wish I could ease your suffering. I know how you feel. I have many furbabies at the bridge and I still cry and long for them but there is comfort in knowing that they are in God's hands awaiting for a BEAUTIFUL reunion. I think its one of Gods miracles that the love we share finds its way to heaven and back. I truly believe that every life is precious, every life has meaning and every life has a destiny. No matter how big or how small. Animal and human. We all share this world and this life and our souls are connected. Feel whatever it is you need to feel for as long as you need to. I find great peace in knowing that their souls are always with me. I hope that helps you too! We are all one big family up there! Big hugs! Please take care! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
From: Donna Becker
On: 9/15/18
Pat and family..what a beautiful tribute to your best friend and fur child. Please know you are in my thoughts and close to my heart as you struggle through this profound loss and time of sadness. Godspeed precious Andy...what a GOOD boy you are!
From: Dana (IddyBears Mom)
On: 9/15/18
Pat, I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious Andy. Your tribute is so beautiful. As you cherish and remember every memory and moment, please be comforted and know that your Andy is at the Rainbow Bridge meeting many new friends including my Bailey. The Bridge kids will be with your precious fur-angel in the beautiful Paradise Meadow. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I'm leaving flowers for comfort. You can visit my Bailey who crossed over to the Bridge on July 29, 2016, God Bless.

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