ANASTASIA (ANA) LAMANNA's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to ANASTASIA (ANA) LAMANNA's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 4/24/24
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Anastasia.I hope with time you heal from the pain.
From: Kathy (Oreo,Ralph,Eva)
On: 2/8/22
Angela/Toni/Al...So sorry to hear of your baby's loss of 12 years. She is beautiful...take care...
From: Kari
On: 5/6/18
So sorry for your loss. I know Anastasia remains in your heart.
From: Lauren
On: 1/12/14
Angela, Toni and Al, I am so very sorry for your loss of Ana. Our sweet fur babies are such an integral part of us that their loss seems almost unbearable. My sweet, special dog, Chili, passed in late April and like you, I have been completely heartbroken. I often wonder how I will get through the days. Please know that I am thinking of you and wishing you comfort and peace in the sweet memories of your beloved Ana. Sincerely, Lauren If you would care to visit my sweet girl, Chili, please go to:
From: Heather
On: 8/24/13
Dear Angela, Toni and Al I am really sorry that you lost your cat. Love Heather
On: 7/18/13
On: 7/18/12
ANGELA TONI AND AL TOMORROW THE 2ST anniversary of your cat anastasia passing i send the four of you my condolences
On: 7/21/11
From: Susan Harrill
On: 4/27/11
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Ana. Please find comfort in knowing that Ana is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I am sure that Ana and Spooky have become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Karen (Dusty, DJ & Patches' mom)
On: 11/27/10
"God gave us our memories so that we might have Roses in December." a quote by J.M. Barrie. May the memories of your blessed furangel Anastasia, the ones that can't help but bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart as you remember the way your baby's tender love touched your life, be the ones that surround you this Holiday Season. My prayer for each of us this Christmas season, is that each of our babies wrap up a special little sign for each one of us back here, and send it to us. And may you catch a glimpse of your special sign, just when your heart needs it most.... May each love-filled memory you have of your beloved furbaby bring to your heart the very warmth and sunshine of the Rainbow itself. That's just one "gift" your fur-angel would want for you this blessed season.... With best wishes for you and your family this Holiday, Karen (Dusty, DJ & Patches' mom)
From: Kelly (Tennessee & Wyatt's Mom)
On: 8/23/10
Dear Ana - It sounds like you had a wonderful family, and a lifetime of undconditional love. Please search for Tennessee & Wyatt - they will guide you on the next stage of your adventure at Rainbow's Bridge. My sympathy to your family for their loss.
From: Pat Lively
On: 8/10/10
My deepest sympathies to you and your family on your loss. I do know what it is like to lose a loved one, whether Human or one of our special, furry babies. Having lost quite a few of my own and doing dog rescue, it is never easy. From my house of 8 furr babies, to yours, we wish you the best. If you ever need to write please do so. I will be there for you. They never leave us, we just don't see them any more. Their spirit lives on.
From: Shayna Girl, Leche, and Si's mommy, Lisa
On: 7/27/10
Anastasia, What a beautiful baby you were, always so loyal and loving.You taught and gave your family so much that they now know the true meaning of unconditional love. They long for the day to be able to hold you and to look into your eyes again. I know just how grateful you are for all of love and care in which they provided you. They miss you baby, so very much. I know that you don't want them to be sad for too long, but instead, be happy. For you are happy, content at peace and have been surrounded by so many others who also love and adore you, including my Shayna Girl, Leche and Si. I extend my deepest condolences to you for the loss of Amastasia (Ana) Lamanna, I know just how painful it is to have lost your angel, for, I too, lost mine. Please vist my Shayna Girl at: My thoughts and prayers are with you. Until we are with our babies again. Shayna, Leche and Si's mommy, Lisa
From: Karen (Dusty, DJ & Patches' mom)
On: 7/26/10
To precious Ana, a new angel at the Rainbow... I can just see you now with your feather-soft guardian angel wings, watching over your family back here. Settle cozily into your new sunshine-filled home, sweet baby, with Rasputin by your side. And each time you look up and see that wondrously magical Rainbow, may you know that all those who loved you back here have actually helped make it shine a little brighter. How? With their tears, sweet baby. Each love-drop filled tear here has mixed with the sunshine there at your new home, and your Rainbow shines even brighter for you now..... An old Indian proverb: "The Soul would have no Rainbow if the Eyes had No Tears" says it best... You now find rest in the Arms of God's very own Angels...what more could your family have ever wished for you? What more could have ever been wished... Rest well, little one. Dusty, DJ & Patches mom:
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 7/26/10
I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Ana.
From: Diane
On: 7/25/10
Hi Angele, Toni & Al, I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful Anastasia. I lost my Zander July 2008, I know how sad & empty you must be feeling. please take comfort in knowing that we will one day be together again with our beautiful companions; also know that there love for us is forever, as is our love for them. If you get some free time I have attached Zander's link he loved everyone, and I know your baby will be happy and loved by all at Rainbow Bridge. With Love & Sympathy Diane
From: theresa anders
On: 7/24/10
Angela,Toni,Allamanna, Tolstoy,Ivan,Natasha,Nicholai Sorry about your loss remember the good times you are not alone i have been through this too. such a cute cat enclosing a gift.
From: Rosemary and Rodney
On: 7/24/10
Angela, Tony and Al, so sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye is never easy.....those little furry companions definitely steal our hearts and souls. They are so precious and are truly one of God's greatest gifts. Take comfort in that their love for us goes on as our love for them does for eternity. I am sure that the memories of this precious member will be with you always. We also lost our adorable little pug, Nikki Mae, who was the light of our lives for more than 14 wonderful years. We are sure that Anastasa and Nikki Mae have become good friends and are now having so much fun playing and running again. Please visit our Nikki Mae at:
From: Doreen (Sasha's Mom)
On: 7/23/10
I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Anastasia, what a breathtaking feline she is. May you find peace and comfort in all the years of happy memories you shared. Until you meet again. "An animals eyes has the power to speak a great language" Martin Buber
From: Betty Hanson
On: 7/23/10
Ana - You have the most rich and beautiful fur coat I have seen in quite sometime. Send your family some signs, kisses from the Rainbow to let them know that you are safe, happy, healthy and will have many friends. Let Angela, Toni and Al know that you have met up with Rasputin and that God has appointed the both of you to be their guardian, protectors to watch over them until they are called to the Bridge to join you one day. I will tell my Brande to find you and play with you. To Angela, Toni, and Al - I send my sincere sympathy to you over the loss of Ana and Rasputin. I too lost my soulmate not long ago, see Brande at - We know that God has promised we will be with our babies again one day. I leave this quote with you, "heaven is the only place where all the dogs and cats you have ever loved will come running to meet you." Author Unknown

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