Abbey's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Abbey's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 5/8/24
I am very sorry for your loss.You have lovely memories that you cherish,and that would make Abbey happy.
From: Linda Engberg
On: 4/21/24
Hi Abbey, I am so happy your Mama got all the memories of you back. She misses you so much and will always love you until you both meet again at the Rainbow Bridge for eternity. Please ask my Babie J send me a sign and also send your Mama one. I know you two are best of friends. I attached two chew sticks for both of you.
From: Shannon
On: 8/10/23
Dear Abbey, I just came by to visit as it's been a long while. My last visit was April 10 on Homer Bear's birthday in heaven and your Mommy came to visit him. It really touched my heart, but sadly that same week my little Ashley became paralyzed and then I became extra extra busy with 24/7 nursing care in hopes of getting her back to complete recovery and I never got to respond back. Now, sadly, my sweet Ashley has just crossed the bridge to join you and Homer Bear.  I know in my heart that you and my Homer Bear are friends and playing together enjoying perfect sunny days. And I hope Ashley is with you both running happy and free. I know your Mommy misses you terribly because we never heal from the loss and she will never stop missing you. And I feel the same way. So if you can, please send your mommy a sign and let her know you are ok and that you are happy and free and waiting on her one day. Hugs and prayers to your Mommy 🙏❤️🙏 Shannon 
From: Linda Engberg
On: 10/1/22
Sweet Abbey, Your Mama told me your friend Barkley has joined you at the Rainbow Bridge. Would you please introduce him to Babie J. Barkley rescued his Mama just like Babie J rescued me. Your mama misses you dearly. One day we will all be together in Heaven. I am leaving a steak for you to share with Barkley.
From: Linda Engberg
On: 10/1/22
Sweet Abbey, Your Mama told me your friend Barkley has joined you at the Rainbow Bridge. Would you please introduce him to Babie J. Barkley rescued his Mama just like Babie J rescued me. Your mama misses you dearly. One day we will all be together in Heaven. I am leaving a steak for you to share with Barkley.
From: Alison
On: 1/29/22
Hello Abbey. I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much you are missed. You know that your Mom misses you every day and I am sure that today you will be watching over her. Tomorrow will be your birthday. Lilly had her birthday a few weeks ago, and I bet you were both together somehow. So I know that my Lilly will be there with you for your birthday. I am leaving you a birthday cake for tomorrow, to share with all your friends. Your mom and me will be lighting candles today and tomorrow, so have a look for them, and when we chat to you, we both know that you will be able to hear us. This is a really hard time for your Mom and she would love to cuddle you. But as she cant be with you just yet, I know that you will go and visit her, watch over her, and give her lots of strength. You are loved and missed Abbey, but dont worry because one day you and your Mom will be together again. Wont that be a wonderful day. Lots of love from Lilly's Mummy. xxx
From: Linda Engberg
On: 1/29/22
Just stopping by to visit you and let you know your Mama misses you since the you left for the bridge a year ago today. Her and I are friends and we share memories of you and my sweet Babie J. We both are awaiting to join you both at the bridge and remain in our hearts everyday. Sending you a birthday cake to share will all your friends at the bridge. Happy Birthday Abbey.
From: Shannon
On: 12/25/21
Dearest Ceidys, just wanted to let you know I stopped by to visit your precious Abbey today on her first Christmas in heaven. May Abbey and Homer Bear be celebrating together and may they both still feel our deep love that remains in our hearts that will keep us all connected together forever and ever .. hugs Ceidys!
From: Alison Duro
On: 10/29/21
Hello beautiful Abbey. Today it is 9 months since you went over the Rainbow Bridge. I know that today is going to be difficult for your Mummy. So please go and visit her and send her some love and some strength. She misses you so much and loves you always. I am going to light a candle for you now. It's for you and also for my Lilly, who I know you have met up there. We talk about you 2 always and miss you both so very much. So have a look for the candle that I have lit and also for the one that your Mummy will have lit too. They are sending our love to you both, along with their light. Be patient little Abbey and one day your Mummy will come and find you. Wont that be a lovely day. xxx
From: Alison Duro
On: 7/29/21
Dear Little Abbey, Today is a difficult day for you and your Mummy. Its been 6 months since you were last together, and I know that your Mom misses you so very very much. She is so sad that you cannot be together right now, but she talks about you all the time and thinks about you so much. You both have such lovely memories of all the love and laughter that you shared. Your Mom and me light candles for you. I expect you, Rambo and Sawyer and my Lilly and Sandy have heard us both talking to you. So you doggies all be good and stay together. The time will pass and one day your Mummy and you, Abbey, will be together again, and Oh what a happy day that will be for you both. Dont forget, Abbey, to keep watching over your Mummy so that you can send her lots of strength. I am sending you a ball of yarn, because I know you like to play with them. Love and cuddles to you, from Lillys
From: Shannon
On: 6/5/21
Thinking of you Ceidys as I sit here and think of my Homer Bear and remembering how scared he was of the storms. Wishing I was holding him in my arms. May Abbey and Homer Bear be watching over us and waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.. until then may God give us healing and comfort over our beautiful babies. Hugs and prayers!
From: Linda A. Engberg
On: 4/21/21
Hello sweet Abbey. I just wanted to let you that I am friends with your Mommy and hope you are friends with my Babie J. Both of you look so alike but I know when we see you both again at the Rainbow Bridge, we will know who is our baby. I left a ham bone so both of you can chew an end of it.
From: Linda A. Engberg
On: 4/6/21
Dear Abbey's Mom, This is Babie J's mom. Your sweet Abbey is just beautiful. I know her and Babie J were with us last night at the Monday Night Candle lighting. I just couldn't believe they look so much alike. God Bless their sweet little hearts.
From: Dana (Iddybears Mom)
On: 3/1/21
Ceidys, I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Abbey. May you find comfort knowing you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge and be together forever. I'm sending prayers and leaving a yellow rose bouquet for comfort.
From: alison
On: 2/27/21
Dear Abbey. Your mummy has told me all about you and how very much she loves you and misses you. My Lilly has joined you up there now. She is really shy and scared of other dogs. If you see her, shes black with a white tummy and white socks, please go and sit with her, as she may be feeling lonely. She was never away from me, so she would like to have you as a friend. Tell her that me and your mummy talk about her and you all the time. We wish that we could be with you both, but we have to be a bit patient for now. You can send us messages whenever you want to let us know you are both ok, and we will speak to you all the time. Your Mummy sends you lots of love, and please tell Lilly that I love her to the moon and back and we both miss you so so very much xxx
From: Irene
On: 2/19/21
I am so sorry for your loss. The memories will live on in your heart until you meet again. Sending hugs and prayers. RIP precious one 💔
From: Melody
On: 2/13/21
Oh Abbey is so adorable and so very hard to lose her. She had a good life with you. I am so very sorry she had to go and that she did not make it to her 15th birthday.... Such a special little sweet and so loving I can just see it. I know the pain it is so devastating. I always want to ask God why can't they just go with us? It just is so hard to take. They give us so much not and never to be found anywhere else in our lives. For those of us who are lucky enough to have animals we love, we are blessed with knowing that love and giving that care. They are forever our angels, forever watching over us until we hold them again. Never to let them go. I talk to my baby every day telling him how I miss and love him. I tell him how wonderful he made my life and I thank him. I also sing his favorite song. It makes both of us feel better. I can feel him at night and I do believe he hears me. I hope soon your tears can be smiles at all your wonderful memories. God bless
From: Robert
On: 2/13/21
May your beloved Abbey rest in eternal peace in the knowledge that she was loved in her time on earth and will always have a place in your hearts. A beautiful sentiment to sweet Abbey. Thank you for sharing her lovely photos.
From: pam
On: 2/12/21
Sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Abbey's precious pictures.
From: Debra Laing
On: 2/11/21
Dear Ceidy; I am so sorry for the loss of your precious, loved, and dearly missed Abbey. Thank you for sharing a few of your precious and treasured memories. I will keep you in prayer.

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