Pumpkin's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Pumpkin's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: RIta
On: 11/29/22
We miss you. You are in our thoughts and we think about you all the time. Mummy and Charles
From: Rita
On: 11/17/21
It was a year ago today. How we miss you so. Thank you for sending us sweet Phineas. He has truly helped us heal our hearts. We miss you...We love you.
From: Rita
On: 4/14/21
Punky....Charles and I miss you so much. We love you and you were so good to us. We have Phineas and he has helped heal our hearts. Thank you for sending him to us. Mummy
From: Robert
On: 12/6/20
May your beloved Pumpkin rest in eternal peace in the knowledge that he was truly loved in his time on earth and will always have a place in your hearts.
From: Irene
On: 12/3/20
I am so sorry for your loss. RIP precious one 💔
From: Traci D. Thompson
On: 12/2/20
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Pumpkin. Time will heal our broken hearts. Thank for sharing the precious memories. God Bless.
From: chris
On: 12/2/20
Hi Charles. Your posted memory of pumpkin is very heart rending. The posted memorial pic of pumpkin shows a sweet, gentle face. I can relate, understand the heartache of what its like to lose a beloved family member, companion, fur kid like Pumpkin. Our fur kids give of themselves, 100% each and every day to us. They bring us love, comfort and joy. Pumpkin was dearly loved, cherished by you. The bond you formed with Pumpkin is one that knows no time or space. It is forever. The decision to let go is not by any means easy. It is because we love so deeply that we are willing to take on the heartache that comes with saying goodbye. Please hold close to your heart the memories you and Pumpkin formed together. I hope in recalling them you find peace, comfort and joy.
From: Cheryl L Rhea
On: 12/2/20
So very sorry for the loss of your beloved Pumpkin.
From: Melody
On: 12/1/20
Punky is so beautiful!! I am so sorry he had to leave you. He looks gentle and wise and so loving.....now he feels good and will forever be your own personal guardian angel forever watching over you all. Our babies suffer just as we do when they have to leave us. It is so sad. Calling their names and talking to them helps them adjust to their new life. It also helps us to stay connected. It feels good to talk to them telling them how much we love and miss them. I sing my baby's favorite song to him every day and sometimes at night I can feel him. So I know he hears me. There is nothing to replace them there is only our love and theirs to cherish forever in our hearts. Memories and pictures soon bring smiles and tears stop. It takes a long while I think but it does happen. Be well and talk to your Punky he will love it. Be well and safe and put all your pictures by the Christmas tree this year if you have one. Honor your baby as we honor each other during this season.
From: Kathy (Oreo,Ralph,Eva)
On: 12/1/20
Charles..a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Pumpkin is a beautiful boy. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know he is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph and Eva while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care..
From: Karen M Smith
On: 12/1/20
So very sorry for your loss of Pumpkin...Karen volunteer
From: Dorothea Adams
On: 12/1/20
Dearest Pumpkin , what a beautiful fur baby you are , as your daddy wrote, you fought hard , bless your sweet heart , now that you are in that blissful place of bright sunshine, beautiful breezes that blow so gently . , run and play until your earth family comes to see you again, and they will, God be with you Charles , I know how this hurts, I lost my boy just 8 weeks ago, I know he and your Pumpkin know each other ..
From: Dana Lunger
On: 12/1/20
I am so very sorry for the loss of your baby. Many gentle hugs to you and your family.
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 12/1/20
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Debra Laing
On: 12/1/20
Dear Charles; I am so sorry for the loss of your precious, loved, and dearly missed Pumpkin. Thank you for sharing a few of your treasured memories. I will keep you in prayer.
From: pam
On: 12/1/20
Dear Charles, you have my deep sympathy on the passing of your sweet Pumpkin. God bless you.
From: Traci D. Thompson
On: 11/29/20
I'm so so sorry for the loss of your sweet Pumpkin. Time will heal our broken hearts. Thanks for those precious memories. God Bless
From: Cheryl L Rhea
On: 11/28/20
So very sorry for the loss of your precious fur baby pumpkin.
From: Karen M Smith
On: 11/27/20
So very sorry for your loss of Pumpkin...Karen volunteer
From: Dana Lunger
On: 11/27/20
I am so very sorry for your loss. Many gentle hugs to you and your family.

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