Welcome to Zeus's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Zeus
Writing the memories of Zeus is the hardest of all. After losing Jake in 2008 we eventually picked out Zeke to help fill the void for all of us including Gwen, Jake's partner. While visiting Zeke's litter I was asked why I didn't like the smaller of the two Black Lab puppies. When I went to put him down he had such a vise grip on my wrist I said it was meant to be to bring him too! Thus my Zeus. If there is truly a thing called reincarnation I believe Jake had a paw in ensuring Zeus came home with Zeke to fill my empty heart. Sadly Jake was only eight when he passed away from cancer. We swore personality-wise Zeus was part Jake and part Zeus. Zeus from Day One never left my side and no matter how many times I went from room to room he was always at my side. He was a sweet loving soul who was truly a "mommas boy". Whereas his brother Zeke lived to retrieve Zeus just wanted to be with me though when one "escaped" the backyard the other followed and then I drove in pursuit to "capture" them. Once I got one the other came home. I used to call them Trouble's Double Trouble or Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Their grandfather's name was Trouble though I referred to double trouble as they were males and no different than two-legged males. They loved to explore and burn off energy. Zeus in a sense has been my emotional support through the untimely death of my mother in 2012, Gwen in 2014 (almost 15), Zeke in 2016 and my husband of almost 33 years in 2020. He never left my side and during times of tears he would be there to give me Lab kisses or until this past winter, climb onto my lap; yes, all 100 lbs of him! My mother used to say she saw the top of my head, the bottom of my legs and the rest was all dog! Zeus often would fall asleep in my lap and slept with me every night.

Sadly like us dogs experience the ravages of old age. He was diagnosed last year with arthritis and dementia. His body finally gave up as he could no longer stand in the couple of days before he was euthanized and lost total control of his bowels. Though I am peace he is no longer in pain I am lost without him and when the grief hits I picture him tearing across the Rainbow Bridge to join Zeke and Gwen. I have fond memories of watching them tear around the yard, leapfrog in the snow and how they loved to be squirted with the garden hose in the summer. Zeke was almost eight when he lost his battle with bone cancer. Zeus never fully recovered and I know he is at peace and happy to be with his brother. Zeus was very sensitive not just to me but to his brother and Gwen. I always said, same with Jake, they were a hair's width of being human. Yes, Zeus was meant to be for me and me for him. He was my first male Lab to live past 8 and the day before being euthanized I celebrated 14 1/2 years since my late husband and I brought the boys home. Zeus, they were the best 14 1/2 years of joy and love and as Jesus promises we are reunited with our loved ones including our pets. What a glorious day when the five of you (Jill, Jake, Gwen, Zeke, Zeus) and mommy are reunited! Run with the wind and chase your brother now that you are free from pain and confusion! And thank you for the unconditional love and support you gave me!

I love you Zeus! Forever in mommy's heart!

Please also visit Zeke.

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