Welcome to Warren's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Warren
You came into my life for a reason, a gift from God. The Peke rescue was not sure you would stay with us but the moment you were in my lap in the truck several years ago, we both knew you were my precious little boy. You were my absolute joy each and every single day. I miss you in the window when I come home from work, not making sure you were the first one to meet me at the door, waiting for your frozen baby carrots every morning, coming running when you heard me cutting some veggies on the cutting board, bed time when I put you on the bed and you ran around rooting your way until you were exhausted, or just sitting in my lap with "mommy time" rubbing your belly. The love you gave me I cannot replace and I miss you dearly. I am sorry for the way you left this life and wish I was there to protect you. Please forgive me. I know my Mother is enjoying having you with her in Heaven with all the other fur babies there.

A dear sweet friend, Rhonda Gautreau Byrd, gave me the information on this link and I cannot be more thankful. This is an amazing wonderful site to honor our sweet babies. They give us so much love with no conditions...I know God loves this site to be able to give back to our sweet babies. I was always raised being told that God would judge us according to how well we took care of our animals, so for the pain that I will endure in missing my sweet baby, I know that God sees the love he was given. After all, who can more understand what we go through for what he endured with his Son's death. Another thing I then learned with my Mother's death is that the more we loved, the more grief we will experience. So I really really really loved this little boy. Thank you Rhonda.

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