Welcome to T. J.'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of T. J.
Nearly 11 weeks since you are gone, and I still look for you every day in the house, especially when I see your litter-mate brother Jamie in your favorite spots, so like you and yet so different. T.J., you handsomest of felines, you're the only guy who never broke my heart. I miss you so much that my throat is tight with grief and the tears flow freely. You were our Silly Cat, our Pushy Cat, our Pretty Kitty. You gave me years of love and memories that will never fade. My poor frail one, be at peace now that the cruel cancer can hurt you no more! Run and sing out your special 'R-R-R-A-A-O-W'!, and jump to your heart's content, leap & run & scramble to the highest height you can reach, then find a sunny spot where the gentle wind blows interesting smells your way and close your eyes and rest, my lovely boy. How swiftly 15 years rocketed past, how many loving moments in our laps and always in our hearts, or chasing your brother as you did when you were kittens together. And when you looked at us with those mischievous eyes, all that wisdom and sweetness and love poured out of you like sunshine after a storm. My sun will be dimmed for a long time after you are gone, and so will Barb's, until the memories of your purring warmth in our arms triggers a smile, or a photo of your loveable silliness makes our eyes shine with remembered joy. We promise to take care of Jamie now, and he will miss you more mightily than us, if that is possible. Your brother always needed your strength and companionship and common-sense approach to your lives, despite Jamie's always trying to be Top Cat. We'll make sure he's not alone, and we will try to help him with his grief, and we hope that his furry presence will help heal our hearts in time. Wait for him and us, Silly Cat! We miss you so much, my furred and comforting friend. I love you, T.J. buddy! 5/2/2019 My beloved T.J., I miss you so, you wonderful cat. Not a day has gone by in these past 6 months that I haven't ached for your not being here with us. I miss the soft touch of your body slinking past my leg, that tail tip waggling slightly and that impish look-over-the-shoulder to see if I'll follow to play. Barb misses you too, though it's hard to tell with Jamie. We spoil him with extra food now, and he's turned into a 'Pudgerino Cat'. Watch over us, my Buddy. We love you so! 8-21-2019 ~~~ One year and two days now, but late as I am, I did NOT and CANNOT forget you, my T.J. Buddy. You've been in my heart and with me every day and every night all year long, and I've had the comfort of seeing your face in that of Jamie's face every day. Now, my tears for you are mingled with those for Jamie. Your brother Jame is so sick and uncomfortable now with the same pernicious disease that took your life away, and this week has been particularly awful for him, especially on the anniversary our losing you, Sweet Cat. Jamie will join you soon, T.J., and you'll be together again, to romp and run and chase each other, to lie in the sun back-to-back and sleep so comfy with your brother's touch again. Wait for Jamie, T.J. my sweet boy-cat, and remember we will always love you both. Barb & I are struggling so right now, but know we will always love you & miss you. Lou and Barb 2-20-2020 ~~~So many tears that Barb & I have shed, dear T.J. Buddy, now that Jamie has joined you at the Rainbow Bridge. Please take care of your brother, find someplace comfy to settle & sleep, and wait for us, my dear T.J. With Jamie gone the house is SO empty now, it hurts just to be here. We miss you, my Pretty Boy, and our sweet Jamie. We will love you forever, and someday, all the memories will be precious and comforting. We love you, Buddy! Barb & Lou 2-24-2020 One year & 3 days, dearest T.J. Buddy, that you've been gone from us. How I miss you & Jamie. My sweet Silly Boy, sometimes I can't bear to not find you in the house, it hurts so much. But I know you & Jamie are together and I know you know I love you so. Barb & I will love you forever. Lou & Barb 4-21-2020. Miss you so, my Silly Cat. Can't sing my song to you and dance around the house with your puzzled warmth in my arms anymore and I miss that, and you, so much. Try to keep Jamie company and find a snuggly place to nap. Wait for me my beautiful T.J. boy-cat. I love you so and miss you and your brother so much. Wait for me, T.J. Buddy. Love you always and ever! Lou 6-1-2020 Hard to believe it's been over a year and a half that you are gone from us, my T.J. And losing your brother nearly to the day we lost you has just plunged me into a grief that never seems to end. I look for you constantly, waiting for your soft presence announced by the caressing brush of your tail on my leg, glancing to see if you're comfy in the recliner dozing, waiting for you to come and exercise on the carpet with Barb and guard her leg weights until she needs them for her next exercise. I miss you so, my Silly Boy, and I just can't seem to stop hurting from first your loss,then Jamie's. I love you, my T.J. Buddy, and wish I could hold you again. Wait for me with Jamie until we do meet again. Lou 8-26-2020 My wonderful T.J. Buddy, I miss you so everyday, and wish I had you and your brother Jamie with me. Love you my sweet boy, and I will see you again one day. I will always love you. L 12-7-2020 How can it be that 2 whole years have passed, my T.J. Buddy? My grief doesn't seem to let me go, between the loss of you my special cat and that of your brother just a year ago. I miss you each and every day and it will be that way for me for a long time to come. Wait for me, T.J. You and Jamie, you boys wait for me. I love you both so much. Love you forever. L 2-18-2021~~Three years today you are gone from us, T.J. Buddy, three long years and lots of tears for you. Saying that I miss you is an understatement; the hole in my heart just doesn't want to heal, and I ache to hold your furry softness in my arms again. I will see you again one day, my T.J., you and your brother Jamie. Love you always. Lou 2-18-2023 My mind has trouble acknowledging it's been 4 years now since you've been gone from my life, my beautiful T.J. You are in my heart every single day, as is your brother Jamie. Love you so much, my T.J. Buddy, and I miss you always and ever. Lou. ~~ 2-18-2024 Been crying all day, sweet TJ Buddy, just thinking about how much I miss your adorable face & that gentle "R-r-o-w!" It's a dreary day here today & it just feels like the world is crying with me in my sadness at missing you. I will always love you sweet boy. Always. Lou

Please also visit Jamie, Jenny and Lucy.

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