Welcome to Tia Maria Lunder's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Tia Maria Lunder's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Tia Maria Lunder
Where to begin?
At the lake where we swam?
Wading into the water,
daring not to wet the top of your head.
At the beach where we ran?
Over the highways of driftwood, following where I led.
In the mountains?
Exploring, dashing ahead, taking in every scent.
In the cul de sac with your soccer ball?
Your unwavering defense, blocking with strength until spent.
In the mornings before school?
Adventures into the wetlands, brave and daring.
Outside on the rainy days?
Paws wet, soaked and panting, ready for a drying.
In your adventures with wildlife?
Catching pigeons, cornering ducks, chasing squirrels, proud of retrieving like others of your breed.
In your attitude, your nature?
Stoic and calm, quiet above all, but always ready to take food with greed.
In your eating habits?
A willingness to eat even the less than savory, a particular taste for socks, and a developed resistance to chocolate.
At home, resting together?
A perfectly soft and firm pillow, staying up until all went to bed, no matter how late.
At the park where we first met?
Me a young boy, not even 9, you sniffing from mound to mound, tracking the moles under the grass.
Walking together in the neighborhood?
Me a young man, you retired from playing, so much time has come to pass.
When you needed me to help ease your pain.
When I needed you to help ease mine.
When you waited for me to be at your side before the end.
Loving, sweet, tough, unwavering, stoic and always hungry.
Tia, so much can be said, so much to make me teary.
Thank you for growing up with me, for sharing your life with me.
We'll meet again one day, but I know not when that will be.

I love you Tia,

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