Welcome to Stella's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Stella's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Stella
Stella Was Born on January 24th 2008, she was Purchased by Gaetano and Julie Ricci shortly after that. When she arrived at her new home she was smaller than your palm. The tiniest little Boston you had ever seen. She was the runt of the litter. Stella grew up with a loving family on a property any dog would dream of. Lots of land and animals to chase. She especially loved chasing Lizards , she was nicknamed the lizard hunter by many people.

Stella lived an amazing long and fruitful life, became a mother, and helped heal family through the roughest of times. So many great memories with Stella, in honor of her life we will list and continue to list memories on this page. We love and miss you Stella, you will forever be in our Hearts. Stella took her leap to Rainbow Road on February 25th 2024. She has the best spot on the yard, overlooking all the hills.

- Stella noticed her owners went outside and ate the entire pizza that was left on the table. Her belly was incredibly full and she slept for an entire day after that.

- Stella Was a crazy fiesty girl, a fighter. One time Stella ran away from home and was gone for the entire evening, she stumbled into a large Raccoon, she put up a fight and than Georgie came to fight the Raccoon with Stella. Together they came out alive but scarred, and forever a bond was built between the two.

- Stella would always find her way to cuddle between your arms. Sleep tight and keep you warm.

- Stella was always happy to see you, She would get excited and wait for you right at the door and on top of the ottoman.

- Stella loved her family and protected them, she knew when they were hurting or sad or happy and always be there.

- Stella gave birth to Lucia, a beloved member of the family owned by Joey

- Stella bossed everyone around, any other dog that would come around the house she would not let them have any fun. Controlling them and trying to sit on them and biting them.

- Stella was the best dog in the world and touched everyone. She will be forever Missed.

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