Welcome to Spyro Lily Evans's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Spyro Lily Evans's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Spyro Lily Evans
Well baby girl, it is now over nine months since you joined boy buddy Calypso, and little Sadie. My last living child, you put up such a strong fight. You underwent so very much, life was not kind to you healthwise. But still you battled through, until it became too much for your body to handle. Sadly your doctor said it was time, and helped you go to heaven.
I look forward to the day God reunites me with you, Calypso and Sadie again.
Now, as promised, I am finally making your Rainbow Bridge residency, just like I did for boy buddy and Sadie.
Happy 12th Birthday Spyro Lily Evans. I hope you are having a very special day in heaven, and I just want you to know how very much I love you my beloved birthday girl. Your Mummy xxxx

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