Welcome to REX's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
REX's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of REX
Writing this with a heavy heart and moist eyes, Our Rex is no longer in this world. He's left a massive void in my heart, being my family for 13 plus years. I miss his energy around me, he taught me how to care and be compassionate, taught me that emotional energy is all that matters in this world whichever form of being it comes from, He was my companion through thick and thin, always greeted me with the same enthusiasm regardless of my day or his health. My mornings are incomplete without him, coming back home and opening the door will no longer be the same. Despite Knowing that our life span is longer than theirs it still pains to experience it. Such innocent eyes and pure energy is irreplaceable, I am eternally grateful that he chose me in this world and taught me so much. Love you my REX💔

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