Welcome to Remilia's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Remilia's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Remilia
My Remi:
I remember when lala brought you home. Although your brother was her baby, you were mine. Even as a kitten, you were so sweet and innocent, and your purr could only be described as melodic. Do you remember? The games we played with you in my lap? You would purr, even if my hands were busy, curled up in my lap. I know my auntie has her own stories to share, but these are mine, my beloved princess. Every man I brought home had to pass your judgement. Even now, knowing you're just ash, memory, and spirit, I still see you in the corners of my eyes.
God, if there was anything I could give, I would give it to hold you one last time.
No matter who entered your home, you treated them as the most beloved of friends.

Remi, do you remember? God, I hope you do.
Every day I had off of work, I would sit and let you lay in my lap. You would lay there, purring, until you heard your mama come home. Then, you would launch yourself from my lap and be waiting for her by the door.

There's a scar on my right calf. I used to hope it would fade quickly. Now? I hope it never goes away. I hope a piece of you stays with me forever.

You were my angel. My dearest darling. My baby. I hope the afterlife you inhabit is a peaceful one. I hope there are soft places to sleep, and new friends to meet.

(Did you know? We took you to be cremated in your favorite blanket. I hope that brought you comfort in the golden land

You were my angel. You were an angel to all of us. I hope you can dream as sweet and as deep as meadowgrass, and I pray, someday, after my clock stops ticking, you will be there to greet me.

I love you.

My princess, my angel. My star of four seasons, my songstress of five years.

My baby Remi.

Love, Klyner.

Enjoy the golden land. Someday, I will see you once more.

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