Welcome to Morris's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Morris's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Morris
Morris was my world. I loved him so much.
He was my rock when Mom was in and out of the hospital/NH, and after she died. He was a bright light in my dim world. He was so entwined in every aspect of my life, my daily routines, my everything.
It hurts so much to not be able to stroke his fur, play with his paws, kiss him on the forehead and tell him how much I love him. He was such a good boy. Even at the end, he was so calm and peaceful in the vet's office. He was ready to go.....but I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I wanted him to live forever. I miss him so much, he left such a huge hole in my heart. I feel so empty without him.
I miss his purr, his meows when he was hungry, his playfulness, the sound of his footsteps, the way he would poke me with his paw when he wanted attention. How he would stay close by my side every day. My little shadow. I could look into his amber eyes and see pure love. My 17 year old baby.

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