Welcome to Miss Coco aka Babycakes's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Miss Coco aka Babycakes's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Miss Coco aka Babycakes
What a Diva you were. Traveling all over the country with Little Louie, Mommy and Daddy. Running around off leash all over Central Park, walking the streets of NYC, our daily walks around Beverly Hills, Savannah, Boca Raton, Williamsburg and so many other places. Oh what sights you saw. From the mountains of Colorado to the oceans. From Gettysburg to Niagara Falls. From the Mississippi River, to the Hudson River and all of the rivers from coast to coast. Tasting bignets at Cafe Du Monde. NYC pizza. And always little Louie was at your side. You were gracious and kind, even when little Louie passed, whom we know you loved, we know you grieved, but you remained loyal. You were loyal and loving to us all. You were a Presence, and will always be a Presence in our hearts.

Please also visit Little Louie.

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