Welcome to Quinn's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Quinn
May 27, 2017
It was too quick, little guy. I didn't know it was coming. I'm still grieving right now, so it's hard to write. I bet that sounds strange coming from me, but I'm too emotional. I think Levi is confused that you are not here. He wondered where you were at feeding time this morning. I got him extra treats today at Petco. Maybe that will help. Anyway, I will be back and honor you in the way you deserve. I love you and miss you. So does Daddy. Say "hi" to Bravo at the Bridge. I know he was your very best bud. Give him a hug for me. Love all of you very much. Until later, Quinn.

May 30, 2017
It's the day after Memorial Day now. You've been gone three full days, and I think of you all the time. I made arrangements to have all those nasty meds donated to the Wally Foundation. No more pills, little guy. No more seizures. I guess that is the silver lining for me. I know you are at peace. I'm sorry you had to live with the Monster for so long. But it never beat you. In crossing the Bridge, you beat it! I'm relieved that's not what took you. You passed just like any dog could have, from cancer. I think you knew things weren't right when I took you in for your exam on Friday, but I was clueless. Such a shock to find out you were so close to a painful death. I couldn't let that happen and made the call. It's the only thing I could do, and I think you knew that. I'm sorry that I didn't have longer to say goodbye. No ice cream, no paw print art, no last snuggles lasting all night long. Bravo got all that, but I knew he was slipping away. You totally caught me by surprise. Everyone has been so nice and comforting. They know how much you meant to me and how much I will miss you. Even Levi is behaving. He seems to be adjusting OK, but I know the mornings are the hardest for him. He seems a little lost when he goes outside. He's used to you being there. But he's going to be OK. He's young and healthy, and he's a pistol! Don't worry about him. Just hang with Bravo. Mr. B will introduce you to Coki, and Coki will introduce you to Spencer and Reggie. I picture you all having a blast at the Bridge. What fun it would have been to have had all of you together here on earth. Then again, all of you would be a handful. Yikes! OK, that just made me smile, so with that thought, I'm signing off for today. Love you and miss you!

May 31, 2017
I've been thinking of this crazy tumor that took you down. It's called Hemangiosarcoma, but I've never heard of it before. I'm glad I didn't know you had this because there is nothing we could have done, Quinn. Your seizures would have made it almost impossible to treat. I hope it didn't cause you too much pain. I don't think it did, at least that's what I've read. I found a bunch of pictures of you when you were much younger. Do you remember when you jumped out of your playpen for the first time? I do! And I have the picture to prove it. I will upload that with some of the others when I find the ones I want. Levi is chewing on a bully stick right now. I know how you loved those, but so does he. I hope there are a lot of treats and toys at the Bridge. I'm going to make this short today. I was just thinking of you and wanted to write. Hugs!

June 1, 2017
I am missing you today, little buddy. Levi went to the vet for a heartworm test, and I saw all your friends there. They were so good to you all these years. I think they will miss seeing you, too. I am waiting for your nameplate to put on your urn. It is walnut and very pretty. I have to pick out the perfect picture of you for the frame. I can't decide which one, but while I was looking for just the right one, I ran across your puppy pictures. You were SO CUTE! I will have to post some up here when I get a chance.

Some nice people have visited your memorial page. I don't even know them, but they have all had kind words to say. I know you appreciate it and so do I. They have lost their furbabies, too. I hope you are all having fun at the Bridge. You don't have to stay with your own pack (Thumper, Reggie, Coki, Spencer and Bravo). This is a great time to meet new friends while you are waiting for me. I will take care of Levi until we all are together again. Have fun mingling in the meadow.

June 3, 2017
It's been a whole week since I haven't been able to hold you or look into your eyes. I really miss you. I had to get a Cuddle Clone, so I can take it back to Prescott this fall. I wanted you and Cuddle Clone Bravo to be together in Arizona. You two were such a joy!

June 5, 2017
Today Levi went to Kenl-Inn to board for the first time without you. I gave him extra playtime because I think he needs to mix with the other dogs. He misses you very much. I felt a little lost taking half of the food and none of your meds with me today. It just didn't seem quite right. We are in Kansas this week, and I'm missing you a lot today. I just felt like coming to your memorial and saying "hi." I love you dearly. Give Bravo a snuggle for me.

June 9, 2017
You have been gone two weeks today. I was looking at the last photos of us together just before you crossed the Bridge. You looked tired, my little friend, but content and unafraid. It was time, but it's still so hard to realize I will not see you again on this earth. I hope you know how much I love you. I called Kenl-Inn to see how Levi was doing. Do you know that I called every time we boarded you to see how you were doing? I felt that need again, even though I knew Levi was just fine. It seemed strange not to ask about you, but I knew you were safe and happy. Today I just wanted to thank you for being such a good friend. I will love you always, Quinny.

June 26, 2017
It's been a month now, and I still can't believe you are gone. I feel your presence even though I can't see or touch you. Someone said that it was the "special ones" that needed us the most who touch us so strongly when they are gone. I believe that is true. I have uploaded some photos to FB, and people are still saying such nice things about you. Levi is doing well. I know he misses you, especially when he goes outside alone, but he has really become a good boy and loves being with us. I think he is figuring out his place in our new little pack. I know you are running with the other fur-angels at the Bridge now and are meeting new friends. I love you just as much today as I ever did. You are still my special boy!

July 14, 2017
Your Cuddle Clone came yesterday, and it looks just like you! Even Levi was a little freaked out. I showed it to him and he kind of sniffed it, then tucked his tail. I'm not sure what he thought, but he stared at it for a bit, and when it didn't blink back, he retreated to the kitchen and slept under the table for the rest of the afternoon. Silly boy!

July 17, 2017
I just came from your Monday night candle lighting. So many nice people were there to pray for all of our furbabies. Thank you for being part of my life, Quinn!

August 26, 2017
Today is International Dog Day, and it's also marks the three-month anniversary of when you crossed the Bridge. Mommy is sad right now and misses you so much. I wanted to take today to tell you how very proud of you I have always been. You were my brave little soldier. I think your seizures bothered me more than you. Somehow you always bounced back. You were a loving little guy, so full of trust and patience. I pick up your Cuddle Clone from time to time and hold it just as I would you. It's uncanny how much it looks like you, Quinn. I have him sitting in the dining room on a chair looking right at me. That may seem creepy to some, but to me it's a real comfort. You were a handsome little bugger, but then you knew that.

Levi is getting along good! He adores Daddy and has turned into a little gentleman. Can you believe that?! As much as he loved you, I think he was meant to be the center of attention. Go figure!

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you today. I know you, Bravo, Coki, Spencer, Reggie, and Thumper are all chasing rabbits and having a great time. You are all very special to me. Know that you are loved very, very much. Until next time... Love, Mom

October 26, 2017
Hello, my dear one. We are back in Arizona now, and it isn't the same without you. I brought your Cuddle Clone to be with Bravo at the tribute tree in the living room. You two look so good together, and I am glad that I have you both together. I know Bravo was your best bud. Levi was a very good boy on the way down, but I know he would love it if you were with him. He spent the first day or so looking for you at the house, but now I think he understands you are no longer at your earthly home. Your crate was just as I left it when we left in April, and I still can't bring myself to put it away. Things seem very different, but we are managing, and I think this will be a good season down here.

How are your friends at the Bridge? I'm sure you are learning the ropes by now. Send my love to Thumper, Reggie, Coki, Spencer and Bravo. I picture all of you together sharing "Mom" stories. Love you so much, little man. Miss you, but you are always in my heart.

December 25, 2017
Merry Heavenly Christmas, Quinn! I'm thinking of you today and missing you. I never knew last year that it would be your last Christmas with us. I hope you are frolicking in the snow with your Beagle family today. Say "hi" to Thumper, Reggie, Spencer, Coki and Bravo. I know Levi sends his love, but he is hanging out at Pet Paradise for the holidays. Know that I think about you everyday. You were a special boy here on earth, and I'm willing to bet your friends at the Bridge have learned just how special you are there. Thank you for enriching my life, Quinny. You live in my heart forever!

March 7, 2018
Happy Birthday at the Bridge, little man. You remain my heart and in the hearts of so many. Even though we can't have you here for your 12th birthday, we are celebrating your life today. Thank you for being part of mine!

May 26, 2018
One year ago today we had to let you cross the Bridge. My heart broke as I held you in my arms as you took your journey, but I know that in my sorrow, you were finding peace and leaving the pain behind. Thank you for trusting me to do the right thing for you, even though it was extremely hard for me to let you go. You will now live here in perpetuity, little guy. The nice folks at the Rainbow Bridge site sent me a little pin, and I put it on Levi's bag so you will always travel with us when we make our trek back and forth to Arizona.

I can't tell you enough how much we miss you, but we know you are in a better place. Just know that some day all of us will be reunited, and we'll play and laugh again, just like we did when you were here. Until then, my little one, I will hold you safe in my heart. Love you very much, Quinny. Say "hi" to Bravo and all my other loves who by now I'm sure you have met (Thumper, Reggie, Coki and Spencer). Until we meet again... <3

May 26, 2020
It's been three years without you, my dear friend. We are still in Arizona this season because of something caused COVID-19. It's a horrible virus that has impacted humans all over the world, but it appears fur babies are immune. We are all well. For the last two months, we have been staying home so we don't get sick. Levi is loving having us home almost all the time. We will be going back to Nebraska soon where I will be sure to rearrange your memorial shelf and freshen it up. Levi had the misfortune of losing three teeth last week, but he is on the mend.

The last picture of us together showed up in my Facebook memories today. I see in your eyes that you were tired, so I know you were ready to go. Still, it's hard to see us for the last time. Oh! I wanted to tell you that Tim used that picture of you leaping out of your playpen as a "caption it" photo on May 4. You should have seen the comments. Everyone thought you were so cute!

How is Bravo and the rest of the pack? Let them know I'm loving all of you just as much as when you walked beside me. All of you have brought such joy into my life, a gift that only the unconditional love of a pet can convey.

Well, I just wanted to know that I haven been thinking of you and missing you tremendously. I'll love you for eternity, Quinn. Keep running free!

May 26, 2021
Hi, my dear Quinn. It's been four years since we said goodbye. I think of you often. You were my special one, my little guy who got dealt a lousy hand. I know you are in a happy place now. Please welcome Mary's boy, Solo. He is a new arrival and he, too, is missed very much.

Levi has had some back/neck issues, so Dr. Hank started him on acupuncture and laser treatments. We go for the second session tomorrow. It seems to be helping. Do you remember the needles? We couldn't keep them from falling out! With Levi, we have to practically pull them out with pliers because his back is so tight.

We are well here. Just got back from Arizona a week ago. It was a pretty good season despite the virus still hanging on.

Do me a huge favor and love up Bravo for me. He can then pass the love on to the whole pack. I miss all of you! Sure wish there were visiting hours at the Bridge. Until we meet again... all my love!

May 26, 2024
Thinking of you today, Quinn. I am forever grateful for having you in my life. We are all well. Levi is 10 now and quite the couch potato. We are blessed to have him healthy and active. I hope you have been frolicking at the Bridge with Bravo and the rest of the pack.

I was at a dog show last Saturday and such fond memories came flooding back to me. You were so fun to show. Remember kicking butt in St.Joe? That was an amazing weekend! I was so proud of you! You were a little bugger on the table, but you moved like the champion you became.

Take care, my gentle soul. I love you so much!

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