Welcome to Zekie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Zekie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Zekie
Where do I start... Zekie my big boy. You were the essence of a true soulmate, living to provide protection and love to me and your household. For all these reasons, 8 years of absolute bliss and fun. We made wonderful memories, and it became more fun when Fur Sister and Daddy joined our crew!!

The truth is, I may have rescued you, but you truly rescued me!! ... she followed, learned, played, watched, teased, copied and play-fought with you and grew to allow you both to cuddle up close after we all snuggled in for TV and goodnights. It was no mistake we found each other, sharing your love of food, watching me cook and eating EVERYTHING.. and I mean EVERYTHNG even fireplace logs and tennis balls (your favorite)... and a stomach made of steel, never winced a bit! Oh, and not to forget the tire toy thinking we'd have a long time, or 'Amazon's Indestructible Toy," (Ha,Ha) that only resulted in redeeming their money-back guarantee refund!! We shared multiple relocations settling from Coast to Coast (Florida), the beautiful Ocean that you took by storm, as I watched from the shoreline only to find your big barrel chest and the breaking waves were competing with one another, pulling you out you ran and played with many furry beach friends, there was not a person who did not look at you and drop their jaws, your demeanor invited everyone to compliment you.

Those that got to know you, and love you have the most incredible things to say about you. You will always remain in my heart, with your paw print forever embedded in mommy's heart. Nonno, Nonna, Poppi, Aunt Danielle & Krissy, Dylan, & Fur Cousins Angel, Salem, Nino all know of you and the wonderful dog you were!!

I recall the evening looking through many pet profiles online, unsure if the timing was right for another pooch, until I saw YOU...I can remember saying out loud and instantly... "I want him." It took special details, as I could not come pick you up for a week...would a shelter hold you that long...we know that is bleak...all the while on the back-end we made friends with Hilda and Andrea who helped secure a plan and temporary boarding until I could travel and pick you up the following weekend. And with the help of Aunt Susan, what a joy it was, I'd like to say you gracefully exited the boarding facility, but truth was you broken out of that boarding facility, jumped into the truck and as you laid your 15 pound bowling ball head upon Aunt Susan's shoulder we drove and laughed all the way home!! All the while, fully knowing what we both felt .... it was true love ... Pura Vida.

What a joy, my baby boy. I do feel lost without, but not a piece of me wanted to keep you one day more, knowing and seeing life become a little more difficult for you. I miss you in all kinds of ways, and I'm so blessed, fortunate, thankful I got to love you baby boy. Your soft wrinkly face, that amazing strong big adorable and gorgeous body, how I loved to squeeze you and kiss you up. Your eyes spoke to me (and how could we ever forget your voice, that voice saved your life and the moans woke me every morning and I would not change a think. It made you, YOU! So full of personality...you even trained Ava to join in with her yappy squeal.
It was music to our ears! And who could forget the time a neighbor doors away heard your howl and came knocking on our door, also our California neighbor telling us the same story..never to mind, because one they got one look of you, your managed to melt their hearts too!! Don't stop howling...I can and will still hear you.

Zekie, I love you and sing praises telling about the years of joy you brought. I thank God for allowing me to be right there with you (Nonna too) giving me the extra strength to give to you, to let you cross peacefully the beautiful Rainbow Bridge. I held you, hugged you, prayed over you, read to you caressing your beautiful gentle face and soft fur. It was a blessing to find Dr. Faith, a licensed vet with an animal sanctuary of her home who came to us, so we could have the peace to surround you with baby Ava and Daddy close by too. You heard Nonna too, watching with those gentle loving eyes, the trust that never left, you took one last breath and I knew in that instant you safely made it home. A kingdom one day where we will meet again, until then I know you'll find Nonno and all our loved ones. In fact, I called on Nonno and asked him greet you and I'm convinced he did. Heaven is a special place and my confirmation is in the peace I felt in this extremely difficult process. There was great peace and calm, a beautiful blue and white clear sky, soft music playing, birds chirping and warmth from the sun shinning down on us that you always enjoyed.

My Big Baby Boy I will treasure you ALWAYS. While your heartbeat left yesterday, a new one was gained. I wanted you both to meet, but I know you already have. The beautiful things God does and how he prepares us for it all. Find all the toys and delicious scrumptious foods my precious pup. You were such a special dog and I love you so much. Thank you for all the laughs and true joy my King Kong!


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