Welcome to Mr Thomas Whiskerson's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Mr Thomas Whiskerson
In loving memory of my faithful feline friend, Mr Thomas Whiskerson. Passed quietly on 2nd June 2020. Almost 2 years to the day you came into my life. Thank you for picking me and letting me be your guardian in your final years. I will see you again at the rainbow bridge my sweet furry friend but until then my devastated heart will miss you and love you always.

23/06/20. It's been three weeks to the day, Thomas and I miss you so much. Your big brother misses you too, he sits in the garden under your tree, waiting for you to come home. I've been giving him extra big cuddles. I think of you all the time. You were always by my side, now the house is empty without you. I love you so much my little one.
21/07/20. Its been seven weeks since you left us Thomas and we miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of you. I miss you running up to greet me when I come home from work. It's so unfair that you were taken from us. I've been thinking about you a lot today, how you loved to have cuddles and you loved to snuggle up next to me in bed and how you would snuggle up with your big brother on the sofa. I miss you terribly.
25/09/20. We miss you so much Thomas. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, especially when we are all sitting on the sofa, you should be here with us. I try and picture you running in the meadow, chasing butterflies.

02/12/20. 6 months to the day you left us so unexpectedly. You are missed beyond measure my lovely little Thomas xxx

My lovely little Thomas, I can't believe it's been a year. It's as raw now as it was then. We miss you so much, there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of you xxx

Missing you so much Thomas, it's not the same without you. Mr Cat and Lulu miss you too. lots of love xxxxx

26/5/22. It's been almost two years Thomas and I miss you every day. I wish you were here with us. I miss our snuggles and I miss waking up to your little furry face pressed up against my shoulder. Mr Cat and Lulu are ok but they miss you too. We have another Thomas who came to live with us from the rescue centre. He had a hard life too but he's settling in. If you were here I think you would be the best of friends. It still doesn't feel right, when I come home from work and I am greeted with three cat tails pointed skyward, but yours isn't one of them. I miss you so much, my lovey boy, I will love you forever xxxxx

02/06/22. I can't believe 2 years have gone by. It feels like only yesterday that you were snuggled up in my arms. I love you and miss you so much. Things haven't been the same since you left. you left behind a gaping hole that nothing can fill. You are loved and missed every day and grief lingers on.

I've been remembering when we first met. You'd been sleeping in the outdoor cat house for a while, but i could never get a good look at you because you were so scared. When I finally saw your face, you looked so tired and sad. It was a boiling hot summer. I remember you were so hungry and thirsty. You were sitting on next doors roof eyeing me warily. I put down a bowl of food and water and retreated inside. A minute later you were eating as though you didn't know where your next meal was coming from. You looked around for more, I came outside with another bowl, and you ran and hid. You came back and ate it when I went back inside. We played this game for almost a week, every day you came closer and began to trust me.

Then on the last day, when you were on your second bowl of food, you let me sit next to you and I gently scratched your head. I could see you were a worn-out little boy, with tattered ears and sores all over your body. I left you to eat and went inside, leaving the back door open. I was sitting in the armchair, and I suddenly saw a black furry blur launching itself at me. You landed on me and wrapped your paws around my stomach with your face looking up at me, with a look of relief and exhaustion. I held you, with my arms wrapped around you, while you slept. And then you stayed. You became my little shadow and never left my side.

You were a furry little angel. I'd never known a cat that was loving and gentle. I never thought I would lose you like that, I thought we would have so many more years together. If I had known I wasn't going to see you again, I would have held you a little longer and a little tighter.

I'm grateful for the time we had together Thomas, know that you are always in my heart and in my mind. xxxxx

19/08/22. My lovely boy, the other Thomas has come to join you in the meadow by the rainbow bridge, I hope you'll play together and become best friends. One day we'll all be together again. I miss you both so much Thomas, I love you xxxx
18/10/22, I miss you so much Thomas Whiskerson, I will always love you xxxx
16/01/23, Another Christmas and new year without you Thomas, it just doesn't feel right. I will never get over losing you and neither will Mr Cat and Lulu. I know they miss you terribly. I think about how I used to wake up with your nose pressed up against my face and your body sprawled out like a furry little person. I love you so much Thomas and I always will xxxx
02/06/23. My darling little boy. It's been three years and your loss is as raw now as it was then. I miss you so much, you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I love you my little Mr Whiskerson. You were such as sweet little thing, so loving and kind. You loved to snuggle with your big brother; he and Lulu miss you so much. I often think about the things you used to do. You liked to sit under the holly tree with Mr Cat. You were inquisitive and curious and like to investigate when I brought the shopping home, and you would jump in the shopping bags. You like to watch me when I was cooking, you wanted to know everything, and you loved it when I explained what I was doing. You would snuggle up on my bed with Lulu and Mr cat and you would listen to the stories I would tell of how you each came to live with me. I love you, I wish I could give you a cuddlexxx
02/06/24. I miss you Thomas, I love you so much. it feels like only yesterday that you were here, snuggled up against me. It's a warm, sunny day today, when I went into the garden I remembered you lying curled up underneath the holly, you loved that spot xxx

Please also visit Thomas (Smudge-face).

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