Welcome to Lestat's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Lestat
Oh my precious beautiful baby! The first day I saw you, I knew you were mine. Big, long black, silky and so bright and gorgeous and loving!! Home with me you went. To be my forever love! All 22 lbs of you!You were so scared and it took so long just to get you to play!! Once you you did the world was your joy. Ping pong balls,long ribbons, corn husk mice, cat nip, and chasing your brother Cujo and attacking!! Hiding from me in your red cube and pouncing on my feet as I passed not knowing you were there waiting for me!! So amazing you are. How I miss you every minute of every day!! I only had you for 8 years but such a joy - you always walked with that big plumey tail sticking straight up in the air. You were always so happy and loved to catch those gechos on the porch and lay them at my feet. So proud you were!! How I loved to let you play with them and then I would get them before you could eat them. You loved to eat all kinds of food!! But especially my home cooked chicken and salmon. BUT you were skittish too as you would run away and then come back. In the beginning if I came around the corner too fast, you would run and wait....if someone came in under the bed you would go and hiss all the way. After about a year you calmed down a lot, learned to play and did not scare as much when I came. You loved me to call you and I would call Statie in a musical high pitched voice and you would come running to me!!! What I would not give to have you do that again. You are the joy of my life you and your brothers. I will forever miss and loe you. I bought a fake stuffed black cat toy and gave him a white toe just like yours on the back left foot. You were all sleek black with one white toe and two white whiskers so special you are my love. My Statie I will hold you in my heart forever and ever. You are special so smart and aware and always so empathic when I was upset. You chit chatted all the time and talked that talk to me that I loved. You loved your porch under the table so you could spy and catch animals and watch those big florida birds! Then we had to move to CA to take care of grampa and you flew for 10 hours and did great - people in the airport loved you and Cujo. You got sick when you were about 11 with IBD and pancreatitis and almost left me three times. But you came back every time better than ever. CA was hard on all three of us and you did get more sick. When I finally knew it was time, we had been through a lot and you were in so much pain my baby I could not stand to see you suffer no matter what I did. Please know my angel you never depart from me you just go and wait and I will be there shortly. I visualize you now as my beautiful loving wise boy Statie with one white toe walking around the hillside and hopefully you have made friends with Inky and Puddy, Pebbles, Cookie and maybe you even met Pasha!! What fun you could be having, Oh how I pray so. My angel know that I adore you, and miss you every day I look at the door spot and you are not there. I still wait for you to come for your treats. I will ALWAYS WAIT Statie until I can hold you one more t tvime and then I will NEVER EVER EVER let you go... I love you. You are my heart..
Hi my beautiful angel it is 7/23/18 and today I sent my love to you in a candle ceremony. I miss you so much Statie. I still wait for you and I always will. We are attached you and me by a gold cord that travels from you to me and back again full of love. Listen baby because I talk to you every day and I hug you to me. Statie I will hold you in my heart and soul forever. Be happy baby and know that you are still my boy. My very special Statie boy. My black beauty my black slinky panther with one white toe and two white whiskers. SSSSSstatie wat Mommie misses you. Go find INky and have a party it is his 25th birthday and he needs you to be there. Love you guys. XXOO
8/11/18 Hello my angelbaby. I hope you are doing better and happy at the bridge with all your friends. My dear daddy and your grandpa just went up to heaven. Please find him and be his friend. Inky and puddy will also be with you so you can all be together to help grandpa. I miss you every day and still cry for you to talk to me and be my love. I still see you in the doorway and in the window....come to me when you can. I love you and I send you kisses and hugs and special love. It still hurts so bad. You gave me such a wonderful life and I thank you for that. Part of me is missing ever since you left. be happy and play and wait for me. BIg hug on your body with paws around my neck.,,I can feel them now.XXXXXSSStatie mommy is calling you. It is Nov 14, 2018 and you have been gone for 6 months!!! So long.... I love you I miss you and I cannot stand this condo without you in it. I look at the door and you are not in your sunny place. I hope and pray that you are there with me. Cujo and I are lonely for you. You are so special I kiss your nose, and your white toe and I hold you to my heart and hug you hard. Please hear me and know that you are missed. Be happy feel good play with Inky, and Amy, Pebbles, Cookie and Grampa! I send warm candle light love to you. You are in my heart. Nose kissxxoo
May 22, 2020 - Hello my dearest angel Statie! I love you baby and miss you sooooooo much every day. Life is going on without u but I miss you and feel you all the time on the bed. I hope you are happy and have friends but please know that I am your forever friend and will always be here for you. And when I see you again I will never let you go. I hug you and pray and send love and kisses your way I kiss your white toe and your beautiful head and hug you so tight. I can still see you in the doorway watching the birds and dreaming of catching the gechos!! Mommie syou Statie Wat and I send love and nose kisses and gushagushes to u my angel..XXXXXXOOOOOOOObe safe and miss me too a little. Love you my baby!
July 6, 2020 Hello my beautiful anGel panther boy! How I miss you nd loe you. Cujo shoould be with you now. I hope you will both be loving together and know how my heart breaks ecause you are not here with me. Be good to Cujo Statie he needs you now more than ever.Thank you honey.. have each other and stay close and wait for Mommie to get there & then I will hold you forever in my arms never to part!Nose kisses and paw kisses & big hugs..I LOVE YOU MY STATIE xo
8/1/20 Hi my beautiful Statie Wat...Oh baby know how much Mommie loves you and how much I miss you sleeping on my bed on the right side that beautiful long body all stretched out in comfort and joy. Before you got sick you loved to stretch. And I loved to reach over and feel you right there with me. You need to know how important you are to me. Stat I will never let you go. You are the black kitty angel of my heart and soul. You be happy now and healthy and wait for me to find you and hug you to me ne er to let you go eve!! I miss that long serious look you would give me and that high pitched meow and the attack my ankles from a place hidden I would be so delighted when you did that. How I loved it!!Oh it is sooooo sad here without you. PLEASE please come & visit me...or walk on my bed and stay....I love you my panther my gush my "bg white toed" baby. Nose kiss honey...Mommie adores her Statie!! Remember how you loved me to do the s thing...sssssstatie.XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
December 16, 2020 Statie my precious love you are gone from me for 1 year and seven months now and still I cry for you my Statie. No one is more beautiful than you. I miss you laying beside me stretched out long and chewing on my hair and sleeping at the top of my head all those years. You should still be here with me. You have new brother and sister but they just make me miss yOu so much more. Thank you for being such a good kitty and so wonderful so strong and so smart and kind most times. You had a good temper but it was fun AND I ADORED IT. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WOULD ATTACK ME FROM THE CUBES!! HOW I MISS THAT. NO ONE WILL EVER DO THAT LIKE YOU DID. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my darling beautiful black slinky Statie so special and I am so lucky you came to me. thank you pleAse please come to visit me...sometimes I think you do on my right side on the bed. I hope you and Cujo are together and are better friends now. Wait for me and I will hold you both forever and never ever let you go. I LOVE AND ADORE YOU MY STATIE BOY MY ONE WHITE TOED ANGEL. THAT TAIL ALWAYS IN MY MINDS EYE STANDING UP STRAIGHT AND HAPPY. I PRAY YOU ARE HAPPY NOW AND FEELING GOOD. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN DEAL WITH YOU NOT BEING HERE. MOMMIE LOVES SSSSSSSTATIE.......XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Feb 8, 2021 Hello my special panther baby!! I love you Statie and I miss you. I will always miss you Statie and I will always love you. No matter what or who you see down here there is no one to compare to you and your special way. Your big white toe and your white whisker I kiss and forever hold in my memory. You are with me by my bed and you will always be with me in my heart and in my home. I send you love and cuddles and nose kisses and ssssstatie MOMMIE LOVES AND ADORES YOU NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME GOES BY MY BABY xxxooo
Hi my baby my precious panther baby Statie..Happy Birthday Honey you are now 15 years old. And I still love you and I still miss you. I can sometimes imagine you on the bed beside me on the right. Please come Statie to see me and sleep on the right side with me. I miss your beautiful eyes looking right at me and your big white toe and your paws around my neck when I picked you up. No one ever replaces you my baby and I hug you to my heart and my house...never to leave. Be well and happy and we will hug again and never let go. I love you my Statie-wat my Statman. Nose kisses and face cuddles.
May 16, 2021......Oh my dearest most beautiful Statie you have been gone for three years now. I just cannot believe it. I can always feel you by me at night on my bed on the right side. Please always stay there with me. I kiss your nose and your white toe and I just miss you walking to me so much it will forever bring tears to my heart and in my eye. You left me too soon. You should still be here. Big and healthy.. something happened... so unfair. I love you my precious angel and I still look for you in the red cube when you would hide and attack my feet. How I miss your joking with me Sometimes I have thought that you just wanted to me mine alone, nobody else. Please for give me my angel if that is the case. Your brother Cujo grew up with you and I figured you guys would love to be together. I think most of the time you did. But my love for you is different from all the rest. You touched my soul very deeply. You were very spiritual and very pensive. I will be missing you all the days of my life. And when I hug you again I will never ever let go.I send you nose kisses, and big white toe kisses and a huge hug right now!!July 21, 2021..hello my angel...I am thinking of you today my statie and I miss you so much. You are so beautiful and smart and I love you dearly. No one will ever replace you. I am so sorry I could not find a way to make you better. Please know that Mommie loves you forever and ever and please Statie come to visit me on the right side at night. PLEASE?. be well and have fun with Inky and Cujo and Amy too you loved to chase her. Watch over your new sister Honey Bunch andyour new brother Prince Charming. We all love you and wish you were here with us. Kises on your white toe and your beautiful nose. I kiss you in all my dreams forever mor. I will always see you hiding from me and attacking my feet...you are so much fun!!! Dec 28 2021...Hello my Statie wattie I love you baby. I miss you baby. Merry Christmas to my black angel. How I remember you sitting on the counter starting at me and Dad and so beautiful. I used to wonder what u were thinking. I hope you are OK and peaceful and have some fun with Ink and Cuje and Pebbles I miss you all so much it hurts my heart all the time. No one could be as beautiful and sleek as you. You are so special and the day Is aaw you I loved you. I love you now and forever more. Nose kiss and big hug and a kiss on your big white tow. I miss my Statie. Be well and happy and please come to see me on the right side of my bed. Please??XXXXOOOOOOOO
My 16, 2022 Hello my very beloved and beautiful Lestat. I love you my Statie. SSSSSSSSS stat I am calling you baby to come to me with that tail high in the air and those eyes lookng straight at me. Come and give me a nose kiss as only you can do. Snuggle my head and chew on my hair. And show me your white toe. I adore you Statie you are always in my room with me baby. I wish you could be here with me forever and ever. I never leave you. Please Stat never leave me. Four years you re gone and I cannot imagine how it has been so long. Life with you my Statie was so wonderful and you are so special. I wish I could just hold you again. I will and we will never part my baby. You are my black silky gorgeous angel of the day and night. Be mine forever and wait for me. Please tell the others to wait too all together so we can all hug and give nose kisses and never part. I adore you. I miss you. I sm so proud of you and so happy you lived some of your life with me. You are mine. I am your Mommy forever. Nose kiss and kiss on your white paw. Come and visit me PLEASE My heart aches for you Stat. I send you a thousand kisses and a thousand big hugs. Be well and have fun for me.
August 2, 2022 hello my angel you have now been gone for three years and I still call your name and loe you more than all the wonders of the world. My SSSSSStatie with the one white toe. I love love love you and I miss you and your cuddles to me. Please watch over me and your brother and sister Honey and Prince. Keep us in the Lords eye Statie and when I see you I will never stop hugging you to me. All of you will forever be attached to me. I adore you my angel and I never forget you. Come to me in my sleep and tell me how you are. I hope you are happy and have friends and good and fun all day long. See you soon my love. nose kisses and gush a gushes and a big squeeze from Mommie. XXXXXOOOOOOOO
7/10/23 hello my statie wat...mommy loves you and misses you more every day. I look at your picture and send you kisses and hugs....stay with me and always be there. I will miss your beautiful face everyday of my life@@ you are my special angel with one white toe. I can still see you walking toward me with that gorgeous tail straight up in the air with your very special swager...so happy!!! I Dore u my tears still fall so blessed to have you in my life....I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. Be happy with Cujee and Inky and Puddy and even Amy too and Cookie!!! Nose kisses
6/13/24 hello my lovey I miss u sooo much!always remember I love you forever and always.....watch over me and stay right by my side Statie and we will hug again and never part. Nose kisses baby...mommie loves Statie....xo

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